Ai Automation Marketing Agency

Serving Local Businesses


When they know you they can buy from you

Complexity Uncomfortable And What Lies On The Other

Transcript of the Video: Complexity Uncomfortable And What Lies On The Other So it’s been a while since I’ve been on and I think most of the reason is that I’ve been in this massive learning mode, uh, with, with the ROI engine and redoing some other things. We’ve got a new salesperson who’s doing […]

Specific Tips And Strategies You Can Use As A Restaurant Owner

Specific Tips And Strategies You Can Use As A Restaurant Owner

Welcome to Reservations. Today we are talking about some specific tips and strategies you can use as a restaurant owner.   Specific Tips And Strategies You Can Use As A Restaurant Owner Hi, I’m Jeff Harrison. I’m Andrew McCauley. We’re here with Reservations. If you caught us on Friday, this is our second show and […]

Facebook ads work. You just need to know how to do it.

Facebook ads work. You just need to know how to do it.

Welcome to Reservations! Facebook ads work. You just need to know how to do it.   Transcript of the Video: Facebook ads work. You just need to know how to do it. Hey! We’re here, right on time, 8:30 Andrew. Cool. That is very cool. Hey everybody, welcome to Reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison. I’m Andrew […]

Strategies For Creating Successful Facebook Ads

Strategies For Creating Successful Facebook Ads

  Transcript of the Video: Strategies For Creating Successful Facebook Ads Hey, welcome to another Reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison and my buddy and partner Andrew McCauley is out on, I don’t want to say assignment, but he is somewhere between Los Angeles and Australia. He’s flying with his two boys down to Australia. If you […]

Car crashes and disruptive technology

What’s in the news that is short and interesting? Car Crashes and Disruptive Technology that makes it easier to built websites! It all happens on Reservations. Transcript of the Video: Car crashes and disruptive technology Hey, welcome to Newsday Tuesday. My name is Jeff Harrison and Andrew is away today. He is teaching that class […]

What do you need to get motivated?

How many times have we heard this (okay I’ve been guilty) and thought, this is what I need a tip or trick to get me over the hump…only to realize it has the same value as buying a knockoff. What is the “thing” that we need to get us over the hump. Today we talk […]

Why branding is important in marketing

What is Branding and why it’s so much more than just having it on your business card and your menus. Branding is so important in today’s marketing landscape, you need to make sure you are covering all the aspects in today’s Video.   Transcript of the video: Why branding is important in marketing Welcome to […]

Making business decisions based on data

Do you make decisions based on your likes, dislikes? Maybe the way you feel? If so you may want to carve out just a few minutes and see what data can do for the quality of decisions you make, impacting your success. It’s Whiteboard Wednesday with jeff and Andrew…new time same great info…930 am PST. […]

What Facebook Campaign Objective is Best for Video Ads?

Okay, so you’re unsure “should I choose engagement or video views” And what’s the strategy behind it? Can it deliver a better ROI? Better audiences? Find out in today’s Whiteboard Wednesday with Jeff and Andrew   Transcript of the Video: What Facebook Campaign Objective is Best for Video Ads? Hey, welcome to Reservations. I’m Jeff […]

Leverage your content using Facebook

Leverage your content using Facebook

Data Data Data….we’ve been talking about the data and now a big player, maybe one of the largest, pulls his shows off Facebook…What does this mean to you and how can you still leverage your content using Facebook?   Leverage your content using Facebook Hey, welcome back to reservations. This is Andrew McCauley, Jeff Harrison. […]