Coachella Valley’s Digital Marketing Leader

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Steps to Creating a Successful Program that Delivers Results

Are you ready to begin an advertising or marketing campaign to get more customers? If so you will want to join us as all week we discuss what it takes and the steps to creating a successful program that delivers results.


Transcript of the Video: Steps to Creating a Successful Program that Delivers Results

Hey, good morning. Welcome to Reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison along with, hey, I’m Andrew McCauley. Before we get started, we’ve got a couple of little things. You know, you’ve got a big trip planned, and it’s kind of a dual role. What exactly is going on? Come about 48 hours from now. Well, Jeff, I’m jumping on the big bird. I’m going back home to homeland Australia. I’m taking the family with me and it should be a fun trip to catch up with a lot of people, but I’ve also got a few meetings lined up as well, which is pretty cool because you know, a lot of people think that because you’re traveling business has to stop and a lot of them will say, stop your business when you are in a holiday as well.

It’s not so much a holiday. It’s a working holiday, but the cool thing about what we do is that I can do it from anywhere. I don’t have to be living next door to my client to be able to do their business. In fact, I’ve got clients I’ve never ever met and I’ve had him for years, which is pretty cool because it gives you that ability as far as we’re concerned to be able to service a lot of people across the world rather than having to be geo-located next to somebody. Right now you’re doing the same thing. You’re about to pop in on a plane and go the opposite way, right?

How are you qualified because of your background

Yeah, well I’m going to Cincinnati, we’re going to hang out for about three or four days with people who do exactly what we do at different levels. So it’s a great time, you know, some people think of it’s a mastermind. Well, this is really a mastermind opportunity to, you know, bounce ideas off other people who are doing what we’re doing. Maybe they’re doing it a little different level. Maybe we can share some things that are helping them. And so we’re really looking for that. I want to welcome, Paul Malcolm. Paul, welcome to the show. Really appreciate you joining us today.

You know, when you go to Australia, you know, a lot of people probably don’t recognize that, that your background is as extensive as it is when it comes to hospitality. Most of the people who have been watching you the last four or five, six years, they think, you know, you’re the social media bloke. You have extensive knowledge when it comes to social media, which you do. Hey, good morning Renee, thanks for joining us again, we’ll see you in a few days I think. But tell us about how are you qualified because of your background to speak to our ideal client, which we’re going to talk about today.

We want to help you out

Yeah, I guess, when I got out of school initially, I got a job in pubs. There are pubs in Australia. There’s one on every corner. It’s a bar for some of the other people watching. It’s a very big part of our culture. You know, you take your kids to the pubs, which sound crazy over here, they have kid’s playrooms there are $400,000-kid’s playrooms. And if the kids are happy, everyone’s happy, right? So it’s a big part of their culture. So I got involved with hotels when I, in fact, I think it just checked over 29 years ago. Last weekend it was when I started, but I spent 17 years running hotels. I was the youngest liquor license holder in the state of Victoria for a while. So I’m at 22, I had a liquor license, which not many people I have.

I was running the venue was responsible for all of that. So I spent 17 years doing hospitality, running hospitality, running the market, even name it. I did every part of it. So I understand what hotel owners, restaurant owners are going through when it comes to marketing, trying to keep up with it, wearing all the different hats that you wear because it’s insane. I’m also cognizant of the fact that we walk in and try and sell something and every man and his dog tries to sell something. And even you, it, we’ve seen that we’ve walked in and people are like, ah, I’ll put up the walls because they’re trying to sell something. We’re not trying to sell something when we go and speak to people which want to help them out. And that’s basically what we do.

Let’s talk about strategiesSteps to Creating a Successful Program that Delivers Results

So having kind of a long story short, I’ve been involved with it. I still a lot of friends in hospitality. I still keep a very close eye on what’s going on. I’ve just moved from actually serving people to actually they are serving the industry itself. So I’m still in there and I sort of still consider myself a part of that industry. I love that. Well, again, I want to say, hey, good morning Renee. Hope everything’s going well in your world today.

Today, we’re going to talk about really for the whole week, we’re going to talk about if you’re in a position where you’re saying, hey, I want to start marketing or advertising campaign, there are some steps that we go through to make that happen. This week we’re going to talk about before you ever do this, and I want you to raise your hand if this happened to you, that you just put something out there and hope that it works without thinking about this. So this week we’re going to talk about strategy specifically. And really, when we talk about strategy, why is that so important, Andrew? Let’s say from a 30,000-foot level, why is strategy important.

What are your goals?

So like anything, Jeff, if you’re going to go from A to B. If you’re going to, you know we’re going to fly on a plane tomorrow, for instance. The pilot’s going to know exactly where is the goal? Where’s he going to go? He’s going to take off from LAX. They’re going to land somewhere. Where is that place to land and how do I get there? Because there are lots of ways to get them. It’s just like a strategy. You’ve got to understand what am I looking for to get or to accomplish at the end of my marketing.

We’ve seen this 100 times, just in a week. People saying, Oh, put Facebook ads out there, what did you do that, oh well, because they are, well, who’s they? Why are you doing their goals? So you’ve got to understand why am I doing, what do I need to achieve? What results do I need to get in order to make an effective campaign happen?

Yeah, so let’s talk about step one and this is something that inherently is a problem for most people that go to start an advertising campaign or really to speak to their ideal client and that is not knowing who their ideal client is. Example, it’s not one of those things where if I’m new and I say, Hey Andrew, who’s your ideal client so we can make sure we have the right message? And you say, well, someone who fogs a mirror that means everyone. You know the old saying is if you’re trying to talk to everyone, no one listens. It’s too broad.

Define your ideal target market

So I think the first thing we want to talk about is in strategy is defining who your ideal target market is. Now when we talked about the ideal target market, again, it’s not just, well, it’s male or female and there are between ages 18 and 65. Let’s take that down more to a granular level and at the end of this conversation today, what we want to do is almost have a name for this person. If you were saying, Hey, I’m looking for that ideal spouse or mate or friend, you know, what they look like, so when you bump up against them, you see them across the mall or across the way, you can say, hey, that’s it. That’s exactly who I want to speak to you. So let’s take that down to an ideal level. Is there a gender?

It depends on your business, but it should be. I mean, you may have a couple of different, we call avatars. You might have a couple of key distinct types of people for your business. If you own a restaurant that has a sports bar attached for instance, right? You may have a different clientele that eats there versus the people that drink there. You’re not going to have one person for the entire operation. You’re probably going to have a number of different ones, but what you need to know if you’ve got to market to each different one separately. Not trying to do all of them at once.

Who are my most ideal customers?

I was just going to say, I’m going to say a way to do this and say, hey, who is my most ideal customers who say yes to whatever I offer? Like look at who you’re doing business with now and I want to be real clear. Be Very careful with this. Don’t look at who you’re doing business right now and say, well, I want more of those people because what can happen is you might say, Hey, I have a lot of people that I do business with, but man, they’re tough. They’re not my ideal client.

So look at that first and say, who is probably on my best customers? Who and what do they look like? Yeah. You know, they’re like Andrew, they do this, they have two kids, they do this kind of thing. So, you know, we said there’s probably a gender that probably like we know from when we talk to our customers. Yes they service men and women, but we also know in one particular thing I’m thinking about is their ideal client is probably more towards women. So when we do this we make sure to put ads out that more that are more women’s centric.

Know your target market

I think one thing you want to think about is grabbing your best customer, physically. Really grab the person who’s your best customer that’s. And you might say, Mary Jane, is your best customer, right? So go and find out what does Mary Jane like to do? Where does she eat or where does she shop? What magazines does she read? What TV shows that she looked at? Where does, what sort of social circles does she have to hang out in? Because once you start to know that if you want more Mary Jane’s, then you’ve got to go where more Mary Jane’s are hanging out and what they’re doing.

So think about what does she do, what does she look like, what sort of jewelry that she wears, what sort of perfume. The more intricate and the more dialed in you can get about that person’s habits and likes and interests. The better you can start to target those people when you start looking for creating content, running ads, and just, in general, attracting that person. So let’s kind of bring this back. You talked about going to the, you know, taking a bird to the airport, but it even started before that.

It’s like, I mean, you’ve got to stop and say, okay, I am going to go on this trip, but first of all, I have to make sure I pack what luggage do I use, what items should I put in there? I have certain restrictions on what kinds of things I can carry and those kinds of things. So it really starts before that when you start thinking about this, like you said, where do they hang out?

What are their interestsSteps to Creating a Successful Program that Delivers Results

I mean, if I were fishing for trout, I would go to someplace where there was a lot of trout, not no fish or fish that are different, that would be attracted to my bait and we’ll call that an offer. So today we’re really talking about, hey, understanding and defining your ideal target market, your ideal target customer. At the end of this, Andrew, let’s say you do this exercise. So we’re looking for probable age. Yup, definitely. Gender? Interests. Demographics. Interest. But let’s take a second.

There you mentioned just a little bit of it, I don’t want to just gloss over it. Interest, what are we talking about here? Anyway, so we’re talking about interest, like what kind of interests we’re talking about. Oh, as I said, it could be anything from what sort of movies they watched. What sort of magazines or books do they read? What sort of gurus or mentors do they follow? You know, TV shows. Absolutely. So it’s, it’s all part of their makeup as well. Now if you’re in a restaurant, you probably want to dial in geography, but you don’t necessarily want to be targeting someone in New York if you’re in LA, right? Unless they’re visiting. But that’s a different story.

So they probably live within a certain range. And maybe even marital status or relationship status. It may be the number of kids. If you’ve got a kids venue, you want to make sure you’re targeting people who have kids, right? So there are all sorts of things to do and target. You’ve just got to think about what does my ideal client actually do and have so that I can really dial in that targeting.

Specific target market

Perfect. So, what about behaviors, are there, I mean like how frequently they dine out? That can be there too. t could also be a travel. It could even be traveling, could even be their net worth or then their income because that may affect. If you’re a high-end restaurant, you’re going to find that people who don’t have a large net worth or a large income will probably not shop there or eat at your establishment. So you got to think about that as well.

Yeah. Okay. So these are some things that, if you didn’t write these down, maybe go back and watch it and say, wow, my ideal target, what would I fill in with this? And don’t be afraid of this because a lot of people, Andrew, are afraid to niche down and say, Hey, I’m talking to a specific target market. They fear of that because they think the market now is so small, but what we found is let’s say, for instance, you’re talking to everyone in the Coachella Valley.

We’re here in southern California and we’re in the Palm Springs area, roughly 400,000 people. If we’re trying to speak to 400,000 people, I mean that’s way too much and it’s expensive because we’re talking to a lot of people that have no interest in us, but now all of a sudden we say, hey, we’re looking for this specific thing and all of a sudden now maybe it maybe it brings it down to 5,000. Are 5,000 potential people that you could talk to that come into your restaurant or your business, is that enough?

How do we identify them?

It can be. I mean, depends on what you. If you get 5,000 people that come in and even if a 1% of those come, new every week and they’d bring it in 22 bucks a hit, I mean there’s a grand extra thousand bucks a week coming in. If you could find 10% or 1% of those 5,000 people that you targeted. That’s a thousand dollars. Can you do a thousand dollars extra in your business? Hell yeah.

Pays for some staffing. Sure. Okay, so this was step one, defining your ideal target market. What do they look like? What do they like to do? Where they hang out? How close are they in relation to your business? Their financial status, their marital status, how many children they have or if they have children at all. Do they like to travel? I mean all these things. Tomorrow Andrew we’re going to talk about now, by the way, I want to make sure. Are you going to be available tomorrow to do this? Are you going to be packing and going?

I’m going to try and be here somewhere here in the valley. I’ll be on camera. Okay. Good. So we’ll get him. We’ll make it easy for him to get on camera. And then we’re going to talk tomorrow about hey, once you know this person, now we’re going to dive a little deeper. We’re going to talk about, hey, how do we identify them or relate to them even better? And we’re going to talk about their pain and pleasure. Yep, beautiful.

All right, so again, thanks everybody for joining us today. I really appreciate that. I’m Jeff Harrison and I’m Andrew McCauley. You’ve had joined us at Reservations.

We’ve created an online training for you

Oh, by the way, before they go, Andrew, where we’re going to something that’s kind of cool. Tell us a little bit about what we worked on last Friday. We actually have been working on for quite some time if anybody’s interested in this and we’ll see before I get on the plane, before you get on a plane, we’ll have someplace where somebody in one of our episodes can link below and test this and see what we do, see what we do for our customers.

Yeah. Basically, we’re creating an online training for you. There if you want to see a great case study, how we’re doing it, the numbers that are involved, what’s happening, what sort of results we’re getting. Come along. Just let us know. Even just type in the word YES below here and we can circle back to you. I mean typing yes, nothing’s going to happen. We’re not automating anything, but we’ll come back and let you know when we have this training available, you can come and check it out. It’s just about a 30-minute training all up and it’s pretty, pretty in depth and good fun.

Yep. Alright, so that’s it I’m Jeff. I’m Andrew. We’ll see you next time on Reservations. See you later.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, video and podcasts, to attract their customers ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%.
SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California and can be reached by calling 760-422-5176.
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