Coachella Valley’s Digital Marketing Leader

71905 CA-111 Suite E-1, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


When to Say Yes and No

When to Say Yes and No

Transcript of the Video: When to Say Yes and No

Hey, welcome to another unexpected Facebook live from swing point media. My name is Jeff Harrison. Hey I’m Andrew McCauley. Hey, we’re out on the streets of Palm Springs. One of the things we’re doing is we’re going to businesses, really the door to door and we’re asking them to be part of our program. What that means is we’re asking them to be a guest on our show.

Yeah, pretty simple. Nothing that they have to do except to jump on camera, have a discussion about the business, the modules and what they’re doing, how they’re keeping in business in a difficult time of year for this valley as well. So you know, we’re not asking to pay any money or anything like that. It’s just a matter of how we can give you a platform to share with people about your business.

We Want To Invite You. Contact Us.

Yeah, and the whole idea is like you said, is it’s an opportunity for you as the business owner. So I just want to invite you or we want to invite you to contact us. Just put your information in the comments below. If you see this live or you see replayed, say, hash tag, replay the name of your business and your phone number anywhere in the Coachella Valley. We’re actually down in Palm Springs right now we’re filming live. But we, you know, I live in La Quinta and Andrew lives in Palm Desert. We’d more than happy to do that.

We’re actually, no point intended, we’re making Reservations now where I think Wednesday next week or Thursday next week, something like that. So, don’t think like we’re going to rush in there and we’re immediately going to go live. It’s one of those things we’re looking to make Reservations so we can have you on and really have an idea of what makes you successful as a business owner. Like the one we did this morning, he’s been in business for 15 years and there’s a lot of good information that he shared that could help them be more successful.

Investigate Before You Say No

Absolutely. We have some people who are not interested in doing it, but you just had an interesting experience with somebody that was pretty closed off to what we’re doing. What happened?

Unfortunately, I just went in there and I’m a pretty friendly guy and I just said, hey, this is what we’re doing and there’s no charge. We’d love to be on camera and it shouldn’t really all about you. It’s not a selling swing point media or anything else. And she said, “Well, let me go get my manager”. And she went back into the gal, came back and said, “I just want your card. I just want to pass you some assets, so what do you have? Just a second for me to share what I’m doing. She says, no, I’m too busy and if they’re interested they’ll call you.

In my mind, I’m thinking, they don’t even know what we’re doing. How are they going to consider anything? It was just I guess it’s just one of those things. There’s a time to say yes, there’s a time to say no, but at least investigate before you actually go closed off.

It’s All About You As A Business Owner

Exactly. When I walked in the middle of lunchtime, we’re just walking and we’re trying to do it early in the morning. So it’s pre-rush for the day and that sort of stuff. But at the end of the day, if they say no, they say no, we walk out. No big deal.

Yeah, I mean so far I think we’ve got probably another five or six, seven, five or six, seven Reservation for the following week. So we’re good with that. But anyway, so if you’re interested in being part of the show, pretty easy stuff. If you missed it, you can go back and see what we did today. You can say, hey, if you inject yourself into that shot is pretty easy. It’s just you telling about things you already know. No trick questions, nothing up our sleeves. It’s all about you as a business owner. So we invite you to join us. My name is Jeff Harrison, Andrew McCauley. We’ll see you again next time on Reservations.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, video and podcasts, to attract their customers ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%.
SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California and can be reached by calling 760-422-5176.
You are invited to also attend a free weekly presentation, providing you the tools and strategy to roll out your own content marketing program for your company, or see exactly what SwingPointMedia does for its clients to achieve success. It can be viewed live on SwingPointMedia’s YouTube channel, at 11 am pst.