Coachella Valley’s Digital Marketing Leader

71905 CA-111 Suite E-1, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


Strategies & Tactics for Local Businesses

Welcome to Reservations…where we share Strategies & Tactics for local businesses, specifically restaurants get more customers. Today we continue on why Facebook Live Videos are so powerful for your business. Reason 3 & 4 today…these are so powerful and i have a couple of cool ways they are being used you can easily replicate!



Transcript of Video – Strategies & Tactics for Local Businesses

Hey, we’re back. Welcome to Swingpoint Media Reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison. Some of you been asking, Hey, where is Andrew? Well, Andrew is out of the country? No, he hasn’t been deported and hasn’t gone to a non-extradition country.

Andrew is actually in Australia. He’s actually doing some business for us down there and visiting his family. You know, Andrew is Australian and so he is down there doing whatever Aussies do. He’s doing a great job down there. I think since he’s been down there, we have three new customers in another area that we work in and that’s chiropractors. And then he, as you know, or maybe you don’t know, he’s been in the food business, a restaurant on hospitality for almost 20 years. And so he’s making some contacts down there because the way we do our business and digital marketing in general, it can be done from anywhere on the planet.

Why is live video powerful for your business

So let’s dive in. Thanks for joining me this morning. My name is Jeff Harrison and we’re going to talk more about, hey, why do you do live video? Why is it that live video is powerful for your business? Now, if you’re with me yesterday or you weren’t with me yesterday, go check it out, but yesterday we talked about why video especially live video is so important. One is it’s the content you can make. It’s very spontaneous. You can just whip your phone out and start doing a video. So that’s a good thing to do.

Hey, good morning Christopher, appreciate you joining us. I appreciate that. Maria, thanks again for joining us. You are a stalwart follower of the show, really appreciate. Hope we’re adding value to your day and your business. So we’re talking about live video and yesterday we talked about unique content. You can make some unique content.

Ease of bringing the content to market

I’ll try to keep my hands back a little bit. And so we talk about that because it’s so easy to put together. Good Morning Sean. How are you doing, man? Hey, I missed you in Cincinnati, but we’ll have to try to hook up another time. I look forward to meeting you in person. The second thing is, it’s very inexpensive to get started. You know, if you hired us as a video company, you know, there are some expenses involved in that with lighting and scripting and whatnot. But in this case, hey, I’m in the pool, I just turned on my cell phone and put a mic on here in a way we go. That is ease of bringing the content to market. And also, it allows you to do it for really on the cheap, but you can put some stuff afterwards.

Do a live broadcast

So today, we’re going to talk number three. Excuse me, number three and number four reason. One is to create excitement around your product or your brand. And it could be, like say, you have a new menu come out. Let’s talk about restaurants. Let’s say you have a new menu come out that’s a change of season.

Well, what better way than for you to turn on the camera, turn on your phone and just do a live broadcast about, you know, hey, how did you create this idea? What it does is it helps your audience get more engaged with what you’re doing? So you could say, hey, even if it’s adding just one new menu item or if you wanted to talk about menu items, it doesn’t have to be new, but there’s a reason to talk about it. Maybe you’re doing a dish that is gluten-free or maybe it’s farm to table and you want to talk about, you know, how you source that product from this particular purveyor.

Strategies & Tactics for Local BusinessesAnd, or maybe this rancher that does this, you know, with his beef and how it’s grass-fed and that kind of thing, just to make it unique. And it’s a way to do that.

Target your market

The other, you know, there’s an example of that. Target does this very, very well. They do it for home decor. So as an example, if you wanted to go to Target, their Facebook page, they do a consistent live when it comes to home decor. It was kind of a cool idea. Another person who does this incredibly well is a guy named Billy Jean. Whenever he has something coming out, he’s out of San Diego. I know him very well. I’m part of his program down there, he is my mentor, so I have to disclose that. It’s not like it’s a commercial for Billie Jean, but just an example. So when he has something coming out, whether it’s a new program, a new event, he’ll often use facebook live to put that out there.

Connect with your audience

Now, the other way to do this is to connect with your audience. And so there, another reason is to connect with your audience. Now, how many times do you get frequently asked questions, right? So what better way for you to just simply turn on the camera and say, Hey, I received this call or I received this message from Sean Daly. Shawn, I appreciate you putting this in there. Sean was asking, and then there it is and this is the response to it. And then you might say, another question is from Maria. And then Maria asked this very specific question and it’s so important that you know these steps. I’m so glad she asked us. Let’s go through this. So it’s a great way to connect with your audience.

How do we connect?

Now, somebody who does that, I think really, well, she just did this morning. Her name is Renee Gruber and Renee, she created a video because on her facebook page she was talking about some, and I asked her about mixing different types of video content and could she do that? So what she just said, Hey, I’m just gonna make a video and I’m gonna put that out there and I’m going to answer that question for this gal so that she can get information.

Good Morning Betty. Thanks for joining me this morning. I hope you don’t mind. I’m hanging out in the pool because it’s already pretty hot out here and we’ve got this big fire to our West. Prayers going out to the families out there that are affected and also the firefighters who are doing a heck of a job. Supposed to be another day of around 1:18 to 1:20. Not quite that hot on the mountain, but we’re starting to see a lot of smoke here and we’ve got ashes and we’re probably, I don’t know, 75 miles, 50 to 75 miles away from the epicenter of that fire. So again, prayers out for them.

Invite people to come with questions

But anyway, so what she did, she created this video specifically for this gal, and then repost it because I guarantee you there are other people ask a question and I think she did a fabulous job. Renee walked us through, hey, where to source this product, but also what this sometimes intimidating information could be like what’s the difference between 1920 by 1080 and you know, a 4k resolution and that kind of stuff. So she walked us through this and answered that question. Then she said she would answer more down the road, and so she invited people to come with questions.

Making videos for your brands and products

So if you have a brand or product, again, we are specifically in a couple of markets and that’s the restaurant industry, which is again, ripe with opportunities. The second one is the golf industry. Again, so much content. I mean, before I started Swingpoint Media, we had been making videos, we’ve probably made over 100 different videos on these types of topics and we were getting, you know, 50 to 55,000 views a week on these things. So it’s a very, very valuable process. The other one is chiropractors. Now we’re just starting with a chiropractic business. When I mentioned Andrew was securing some new business down in Australia, I think those are the first three are chiropractors, so those have great opportunities. I mean if you’re a chiropractor, hey, do you have this issue in your neck?

Well, we found that it and then you can go right into it and you know, for more information, click the button below and if you’re interested in coming in, here’s a coupon or whatever. It doesn’t always have to be selling.

Anyway, so that’s the show today. So this number three and number four. Hey Jeff. Thanks for joining. I’m going to tag you in there. Yep. You’re tagged. One is to create more excitement and awareness about your product or your brand. And we talked about a menu item or maybe a new product that you’ve got coming up. You’re a software developer or E-COMMERCE, you can talk about that. Or maybe it’s the new spring line. Come or excuse me, the new fall line that will be coming into your store, you know, maybe in a couple of months. That would be a great thing.


Oh, I just want to mention one gal. She has a business here in where we live and in Lakita and I remember talking to her in this a couple of years ago and she does incredibly well. This gal has two or three locations and she said, you know, if you’re not advertising, that’s not a good idea and hope that your brand stays alive without any advertising.

She said she, she puts away 10 percent of the money that her business makes. Gross revenues that her business makes specifically for advertising. Now in that situation, she was doing about a million dollars a year. So she’s putting a $100,000 away specifically for advertising. Now, a couple of episodes ago, I had a Luann Lynch and Tracie Parisi from Australia and they were talking about that, you know, how can you afford to have advertising? Go back and check that out because if you’re not advertising, not spending money on advertising, I’m not going to tell you what you should do. You should go back and listen to those two gals because they are wicked smart plus they have this cool accent.

Comment and let’s have a chat

Anyway, Amy hey, thanks for joining this morning. I appreciate that, little wave to Amy. Thanks for joining us. I’m just going to get back to a cooling off just a little bit in the pool. Then I’ve got a pretty busy day, actually have a very busy day. We’re doing another, a couple of live videos.

By the way, if you are intimidated by this whole video stuff and you’re a local business owner here in the Palm Springs area, Coachella Valley, and you’d like to learn more about it? Hey, just direct messaged me or put a comment in here and I’ll reach out and help you get started. I’d love to help you leverage this amazingly powerful resource and helping your business.

Hey Greg, thanks for joining us. You know, do me a favor also, if you’re in a local business or you’re a marketer, you’re having trouble getting more clients or you’re having, whether it’s clients that you service or it’s more people, restaurant owners or excuse me, you’re a restaurant owner and more clients in your business or you’re a golf course and you need more people on the tee. Comment below and let’s have a chat. I’d love to help you out and just kind of give you some free consultation of how we’re using digital in the 21st century. Yup the 21st century.

Have a great weekend

So in the meantime, hey, have a great Friday. I’ll see you again on Monday and I’m looking at the sky. Hope it clears up, you know, that fire up there in Idlewild, up on the mountain. Yesterday at about 2:30, I noticed they said it was only about 5% contained and it’s just blazing hot here besides that. So, you know, I really hope they get that thing under control and I hope everyone is safe. Unfortunately, it was an arson who set that, so I don’t understand that. Don’t get behind that. I just want to say, hey, have a great Friday and a great weekend. And again, thanks for joining me on Reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison and way down under. No, not under the water is Andrew Mccauley? He’ll be back soon and we’ll both be on here. Thanks again for joining and have a great Friday.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, video and podcasts, to attract their customers ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%.
SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California and can be reached by calling 760-422-5176.
You are invited to also attend a free weekly presentation, providing you the tools and strategy to roll out your own content marketing program for your company, or see exactly what SwingPointMedia does for its clients to achieve success. It can be viewed live on SwingPointMedia’s YouTube channel, at 11 am pst.