Coachella Valley’s Digital Marketing Leader

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Dealing with “I can’t Afford to Advertise”

I can’t Afford to Advertise.  Is this something you say when the business is slow? Or when an opportunity to get new customers comes in your front door? Are you spending money on expenses versus revenue generating activities?
Join us today for a fire filled episode with advice and guidance from two powerful ladies from Australia…you do not want to miss this one. Reservations with Jeff and Andrew


Transcript: I can’t Afford to Advertise

Jeff Harrison [00:01]:  Hey, welcome to reservations. I’m Jeff Harrison today I have not just one but two special guests that are just incredibly flown here for. not this show, but I’d like to say for reservations they have, but we’re actually met up in Kentucky Slash Ohio. They are geniuses at what they do and I think this is one of those episodes where you need to make sure you have something to write on and something to write with. Make sure you put it in pencil because you might want to erase and re-update things because this is one of those episodes. I promise you, you’re going to have to go back and read it or watch a couple times because they’re going to be so much fire we bring here, today we’re going to introduce and bring along. We’re going to have

Traci Parisi [00:43]: Traci Parisi from Social Reality Marketing

LouAnn Lynch [00:45]: And LouAnn Lynch from Social Intelligence.

Jeff Harrison [00:47]: You can tell probably because of the accident there from West Texas. No, no, I’m just kidding. Where’d you guys come in from? Where do you normally do business?

Traci Parisi [00:54]: So I’m based in the Melbourne in Australia and Luanne lives on the opposite side of the country.

LouAnn Lynch [01:02]: On the top, crocodile Dundy country, down

Jeff Harrison [01:04]: I love that. Have you ever wrestled a crocodile?

LouAnn Lynch [01:06]: No, but I’ve waxed one

Jeff Harrison [01:09]: Wax one? Yeah. What do you mean wax one?

LouAnn Lynch [01:12]: Well, we did a special lab publicity stunt and got a crocodile in and look like we waxed it and actually crocodile [Inaudible] here.

Dealing with "I can't Afford to Advertise"Traci Parisi [01:20]: It was like the Bikini Wax.

Jeff Harrison [01:21]: Oh I got you

LouAnn Lynch [01:23]: The story actually went worldwide, it went crazy?

Jeff Harrison [01:27]: I’d bet it would, so it’s not just a crock.

LouAnn Lynch [01:28]: No, no. It really did happen and it did happen. I’ll send you the show you

Jeff Harrison [01:32]: Cool. Well, just in case you just joined in this the first time here, but we’re not here to talk about crocodiles were actually. The reason for the show is to give you tips and strategies and tactics that you can take after this show and implement. Now we target or we help specifically restaurants, but I can guarantee you what you’re about to today. I don’t care if you have a pool store and I don’t care what you do. If you’re a retail business or any kind of business today will make a huge difference. Today. Our topic is, well, let me just kind of set the story here. Here’s the thing. Many times we as marketers will go out and we’ll talk to a business and that’s why can’t afford to do any advertising and we know we have. We have ways to tell. Do you have ways to tell if you’re advertising or not? Right? So we know you’re not marketing, but we also know you’re struggling from a business standpoint and they come up with this answer, Traci, that hey, I can’t afford to do advertising. And I think sometimes they look at that very short term. Can you kind of tell us what you told us off camera about? Yeah, they probably really can’t if they looked at it from a different point of view.

Traci Parisi [02:34]: So what we want to do and the basis of this is really knowing what the numbers are in your business and for some of us to our creativity. Then we go into business. We don’t go into business to look at numbers. We go into business to cook beautiful food or to serve our customers or to create an amazing environment and sometimes we miss one of the most important parts of the business which is knowing your numbers. So if we look at how much it costs to advertise and bring a customer in and they come into that one time and they only spend a certain amount of money. Yeah, well it makes us feel like we’re losing money on that ad, but if we actually learn what the numbers are, we know that that one customer, if they come back in once a month or once a fortnight and we know what those numbers are, we look over, okay, so over a year, how much did they spent with this over a year. So it’s not just that one first visit, it’s let’s give them an amazing experience when they come in, get them coming back in because we’ve given them an amazing experience. What is the lifetime value of that customer?

Jeff Harrison [03:37]: Okay, so what time value then is really just saying, hey, it’s not just that one time, but how frequently they come back and how long would they stay with you? That’s a totally different mindset.

Traci Parisi [03:46]: So if we can you look at even if someone comes in and they only buy one cup of coffee, so I used to train my staff on this. So if a customer comes in and they buy one cup of coffee, they do not work, just three, four, $5 to us. How often do they come in? Is it three times? Do they come in three times a week and buy a cup of coffee? So say if we say a cup of coffee’s with $5, just to make it easy, they come in three times a week, $15. They come in say 40 weeks out of the year. Can you do those numbers? I don’t have a calculator on me, but yeah,

Jeff Harrison [04:19]: $15 a week times 40 weeks. That’s $600.

Traci Parisi [04:21]: $600. So if you look at what you give away at the very start to bring a customer in, say you even give them away $20 voucher to come in and have free coffee, free cake or a free entree or a free main meal. But that customer isn’t, you’re not losing money on that customer over a year that customers actually worth $600 to you.

Jeff Harrison [04:45]: Okay? So anyway, so let’s play a game. Okay, I’ll give you $20 and you give me $600.

Traci Parisi [04:53]: That’s exactly what the gamble means, how many times would you do that?

Jeff Harrison [04:57]: Is that a gamble?

LouAnn Lynch [04:58]: I like to say it’s giving away a profit, a profit you never had. So you’re giving that we buy a client. So that’s how I like to look at it.

Traci Parisi [05:06]: And it’s not just that one year people generally will live in an area. I know in Australia it’s about seven years before they move. So if we look, even if we said the lifetime value of a customer three years or five years, it’s $600 a year now. And we’re just talking about coffee. You know, we didn’t do the sums on if they buy a meal or if their kids in. So one thing that I used to do with my customers is I, you know, we were talking about the database before, which I’m sure Jeff will go into, but I used to send out birthday cards to all of my customers. I’ve never been to a restaurant with they’ve asked me for that information, but I used to collect that information from everyone that came in and I would send out a birthday card with a free birthday lunch or free dinner. No, no one goes out on the, on their birthday, on their own. They bring friends. So even though they’re free,

Jeff Harrison [05:58]: I did once but it was after a really bad breakup.

Traci Parisi [06:02]: Oh no! That’s hard. Was it a good meal though

Jeff Harrison [06:05]: It wasn’t the good meal. It’s very cheap, in fact, it was free. Just kidding

Traci Parisi [06:07]: Yeah, but the thing is we worry about, oh, what’s this costing me? I can’t actually afford it. And it’s because we really don’t know our numbers. And if we know our numbers and we know, for instance, someone buying one cup of coffee three times a week, he’s with $600 a year to us.

Jeff Harrison [06:21]: That’s huge.

Traci Parisi [06:23]: It is. It’s massive, multiply that.

Jeff Harrison [06:25]: So lets it. I’m going to just go back just a little bit. We just had a little sunlight come in, all of a sudden I became very white. Hold on right there. Just simply move. Let me just adjust them.

Traci Parisi [06:37]: Oh, there we go.

Jeff Harrison [06:38]: So let’s take that back a notch. And you said you started out, it was like, what is the cost to acquire a customer? Like as an example with, and we can talk pretty much the same on this. It’s like we look it for a restaurant sometimes we’re getting a customer for less than a dollar. Less than a dollar. Right? So running that numbers like now would you, would you play even more aggressively if for every dollar I gave you, you’d get $600 back?

LouAnn Lynch [07:01]: That’s right.

Jeff Harrison [07:02]: Wow, that’s pretty cool. Now. So then when I come in and say, well, you know what, here’s our program and it’s $2,000 a month, they’re less likely to freak out if they really know the numbers. Is that what you’re saying?

Traci Parisi [07:13]: Absolutely. Because if you know that you can spend $2,000, but for every 2000 it’s going to make you, what did we say? For a dollar X $600? Times 600 that, it just doesn’t make sense not to do it.

LouAnn Lynch [07:29]: Didn’t you used to say, for every $5 you give me, I’ll give you $50, how many $5 did you give me.

Traci Parisi [07:33]: Yeah, exactly.

Jeff Harrison [07:40]: Yeah no, kidding. I had a client in the city we live in Palm Springs and there was one of those things where when he was paying me, we’re doing advertising. I knew his lifetime value to a customer, his lifetime value of customers. $25,000. Right? So in a year he only acquired only acquired 40 new clients. So we added a million dollars to his bottom line. Right. So his cost for me to do that with all their advertisement was less than I think less than $50,000.

Traci Parisi [08:07]: Yeah. So $50,000, to buy a million like we need to stop. And I think this is, a thing as small businesses, we do have so many costs and we need to stop seeing advertising as a cost and saying as an investment in our assets.

LouAnn Lynch [08:19]: And that’s a funny thing, you all your expenses go out and staff and wages and with all that bunch of a sign, rent, insurance, stock, you know, you could just write a whole essay on the expenses, but people stop spending on marketing. And that’s one of the things that bring money in the door, everything goes out and that is just the mind blows me

Jeff Harrison [08:41]: Lou is that almost like saying, Hey, I can afford the Ferrari. I have no money left for gas.

LouAnn Lynch [08:46]: That’s it. That’s exactly.

Jeff Harrison [08:48]: Wait a minute, maybe I should buy a Nissan Sentra and have an unlimited supply gas so in the future, you can. You can pay for that Ferrari, and have the gas.

LouAnn Lynch [08:54]: True. I love it

Traci Parisi [08:56]: Absolutely.

Jeff Harrison [08:57]: I have a question for you because I think you’d get this lifetime value. It’s like, will you? What do you trade a much lesser amount for the end value because you have to look at your customers? Say, hey, how long have you been here? How frequent they come in and what is that worth? If you were talking coffee, right, $600. We’re only talking coffee, we’re not talking meals. And the thing is to start talking to coffee shops because this is like, I’m jazzed up, I’m like on caffeine now

Traci Parisi [09:19]: The point is guys, you need to, you don’t know this stuff until you start tracking your numbers. Now it’s all starts with tracking your numbers. And once you know your numbers, if you know a customer is worth 600 or a thousand, how much would you spend to acquire that customer? Well, you’d spend almost up to that amount.

LouAnn Lynch [09:38]: But you can also be creative and do add-ons. So, I’m in the hair and beauty industry and so I would get a client in for a massage, but also add another service on top of that. It’s a, get that service. So it covers the cost of the wages and things like that.

Jeff Harrison [09:53]: Gotcha.

LouAnn Lynch [09:54]: So you’re buying another client. I don’t mind giving away $20 vouchers, at all. As about our bigger return on investment people. We want people to spend around $100, on that one visit, with coffee shops a little bit different. But still, it’s the same principle.

Jeff Harrison [10:11]: Yeah. So, Lou, I want to talk about something that Traci said, I think that you can really add fire to. She talked about, hey, once you have that customer could have people feel like birthdays and anniversaries and stuff like that. But I can tell you somebody goes out frequently to restaurants. Nobody knows how to get ahold of me. They have no email address, no phone number, nothing. So what is probably the missing ingredient to make this whole thing work that we talked about earlier.

LouAnn Lynch [10:35]: I’d like to call it the low hanging fruit. So your current database is the most valuable database you’ve got obviously and the cheapest. It’s cheaper to take your current clients happy than find new ones. So if you can tap into your database either through email, actually email has died down quite a bit, would you say in the last couple of years,

Jeff Harrison [10:53]: Maybe the last five years,

LouAnn Lynch [10:55]: Yeah. But I think a facebook targeting and gathering that database. True. yeah, through Facebook has been very, very, very good. And then a lot of sellers do have a database. I should collect the database when they come in.

Jeff Harrison [11:10]: I think we would probably know that, right, because they are returning customers. Like my wife, she owns a hair salon so she knows all of her customers. She has a database and I want to say this, I wouldn’t say this out loud on camera, but she doesn’t leverage that database very much because of the fact she’s happy with her current flow, but if she had somebody else in there and said, hey, I wanna I wanna make my salon more. She would have a very big database to go with.

LouAnn Lynch [11:33]:  If you know your books, you are busy to Wednesday and you got nothing, those that phone on Saturday, you can tap into that database and send out an offer for this week only to get that work in the door. Otherwise just sleeping restlessly at night going, oh, how am I going to pay the wages and the rent and everything else.

Traci Parisi [11:49]: So. And so the next, the question that I find comes up with a lot of restaurant owners especially, how do I build a database?

Jeff Harrison [11:55]: Yeah. That’s what I was gonna ask.

Traci Parisi [11:58]: So, you know, we have ways of collecting people’s details online, but don’t forget, well, we’ll we’re [Inaudible] old school stuff first.

Jeff Harrison [12:07]: Let’s do some local. Oh yeah.

Traci Parisi [12:08]: Okay. So pen and paper, when they’re in your restaurant, you can have a shape that you know, we love to send down visitors, our guests a birthday gifts, so give us your details so we can send you a birthday gift and people will generally fill out their details there for the walking guests. But online when we do our adds, and I’m sure you’ve heard Jeff speaking about it, we can create messenger campaigns and ask people, what’s your name, what’s your email address? What’s your phone number? We can even ask them about their birthday. So there you go. We’re collecting all of their details and giving them something in return for providing those details to us. We can do that digitally.

LouAnn Lynch [12:49]: Or you could say that you are running a competition because some people are a little bit hesitant to give out personal details or write the correct email, all the right number, but if we’re going to say we’re going to let them win and Obi competition, there’s more. Isn’t there more agreeably likely to put the correct data?

Jeff Harrison [13:05]: The honestly goes up right and says, Hey, I want to make sure you do contact. So. Okay, so today if you’re just joining us, I’m Jeff Harrison. I’m here with two lovely ladies and I’d love their accents. Obviously, I’m here with Tracy and Lou therefrom opposite sides of Australia. They flew in, not for the show, but we were able to capture them and get them on a botanist for the show. We would have flown in for sure. Now they say that. But anyway, so we’re talking about lifetime value of a customer and also how do we, you know, and that’s all about numbers, but we’re also talking about, hey, how can we, once we, we understand the lifetime value, how can we then put a database together so we can say, hey, there is a Wednesday, there was a Thursday, the slow. Then we can click a button and make something happen. Like, say like making him. I hate to say that because it’s been raining like crazy here. I was going to say, make it rain. Right? And you can’t do that without, without a database. So we’re talking about now I’d like to really transition into some really granular stuff, some real tactical stuff like getting those email address. You said, hey, some old school. Give me a pencil and paper. Right, and then you said something about facebook messenger, but let’s talk about what that really looks like. Like how would you do that? Because again, we started this whole program by saying, Hey, I can’t even afford to advertise. Right? So now you want me to try to do this. Now it kind of makes sense, right? Because last time I checked, everyone has a birthday. They do, right? I mean not a person on the planet says I don’t have a birthday. Right. Even if you were adopted, you were found on a doorstep. They gave you a date. Right,

LouAnn Lynch [14:36]: I was going to say that, and then we cut that out

Jeff Harrison [14:43]: This is a fabulous show, we’re going to cut that part out. I may leave it in. Who knows, because I don’t. I’m not sure.

Traci Parisi [14:48]: Because I have family members, distant family members who are the job a witness and they do not celebrate birthdays. They have one. They just don’t celebrate it, but they celebrate anniversaries and other things

Jeff Harrison [14:56]: Using facebook messenger. Could you tag them that wish you don’t actually send anything out to them?

Traci Parisi [15:00]:  Yeah. You probably could. Wouldn’t give you their birthday. I’m sure they would skip that and not give it to you, but you might, you know, you don’t have to just collect birthdays. You could collect wedding anniversaries, you know, you could. Going back to the granular stuff, you can actually target people with an ad for pig with a birthday coming up. Or I could target men whose partners have a birthday coming up in the next week, so we might have an ad that says, hi, is it your wife’s birthday next week? He’s about to bring it to us for dinner so you can actually

LouAnn Lynch [15:34]: And an anniversary,

Traci Parisi [15:36]: And wedding anniversary. So there are ways you can look for people who have specific things come, like lifestyle things coming up and go off to them like that.

Jeff Harrison [15:46]: Can you do the look? Can you do the same thing when it comes to like, you know, whether it’s graduations, you know there’s maybe like a. I almost said bunny, but like a Bachelorette party because those are events. We’re not just one person goes, right many people. So, we’re an anniversary. I think of like if it’d be like your significant other and you would go, right. So you normally don’t do that, but still, that’s usually something we spend a little more money on because it’s very special, right? It should market varying significant day

Traci Parisi [16:15]: Fine dining restaurant and you wanted people coming in. I’ve been out, you know, just two people and you can easily spend three, four, $500. Depends on the level of restaurant

Jeff Harrison [16:26]: Don’t invite me. That’s all, that’s less than my budget.

Traci Parisi [16:28]: I thought you were paying, that’s why I said

Jeff Harrison [16:32]: Wow. The price for the bar. Just went up. Hey. anything we missed on it. So when lifetime value you’d get to build a database, you know, when people hear about the database. So it feels like, I hear people say, well, you know, email marketing doesn’t work, you know, it doesn’t work anymore. And I just received something from my client yesterday in the mail and it showed me the still on an email campaign, which is 16 percent click-through rate. Like that’s huge. So when you compare that to people to say, Hey, I’m going to send something out in the mail, it’s maybe half of one percent. That’s a huge return. Again, we go back to that trading dollars for more dollars. What you do. I said in the past, stop me from wrong because maybe it’s not true in Australia is once you have a database, all things are possible.

LouAnn Lynch [17:15]: That’s right. Absolutely. In the beauty industry, if a client, we found a client we bought a client in and enjoyed the experience, we would send out a welcome letter to say thank you for coming. Come in the next 30 days and we’ll give you another offer. So it’s actually about. It’s actually about relationship building. So I think if a cell, if a client comes in three times to four times, they like that person, they’ll come for about comfort.

Traci Parisi [17:40]: So think about that, how you can use that in the restaurant industry, someone comes in, if you actually collected the data, you can send them out a card or if you’ve got staff from the time a handwritten note, this is a really enjoyed visiting our restaurant. He’s a, you know, we’d love to see you back again. Here’s a bottle of wine. When you book a dinner for four or something like that

LouAnn Lynch [18:02]: If you were a dentist and you were in pain, and you had a tooth extraction or you’re sick or something like that. You went in and spent a lot of money. How would you feel if the dentist right you personally the next day and said, I just want to check on you

Jeff Harrison [18:15]: Yeah.

LouAnn Lynch [18:16]: Are you okay?

Jeff Harrison [18:17]: I would probably have a heart attack. My cardiologist is. It’s probably not going to happen. It’s a dentist, but they’re just [Inaudible]

LouAnn Lynch [18:22]: Relationship building and I know dentists don’t do that, but a staff member just checking up on that person. So it’s a bit like the welcome letter. You know, different industries have different things.

Jeff Harrison [18:32]: Yup. I’m going to get a little off track here, but have you guys been doing this for a long time, right? Do you think we as a whole, we’ve gotten too far away from what you’ve talked about here about relationship building? It’s so easy to just pick up the phone and text or say you know what? I don’t recognize the number so I don’t answer it. Instead of, Hey, let’s have some personal relationship

Traci Parisi [18:54]: And I think it’s too easy. As much as it’s a difficult thing to do, it is too easy to think. We’ll just put an ad on facebook and that will bring more customers in and we forget about the customers we’ve got where there really are ways of building relationships that have the long-term growth of our business, be there in five, 10, 15 years, so we’ve got something to sell as well. If your strategies to build a business and sell it, what an amazing business to sell what they do to the value to your business if you’ve got, of your relationships with your database.

Jeff Harrison [19:26]: That’s huge. So it becomes bigger than you as the owner of this restaurant because occasion, but I’ve already got 2000 people that that know, like, and trust the restaurant, built in

Traci Parisi [19:38]: And they spend this much every year, year in year out

LouAnn Lynch [19:40]: And we not only send out a voucher to your client as a welcome, but you could also send them to batches to friends. So then you are like multiplying one letter.

Jeff Harrison [19:49]: Now, wait a minute, stop. We’re giving way too much value on this show today. No, I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. So you’re saying not only take care of that client that is coming to give them information but then give something to their friends [Inaudible]

LouAnn Lynch [20:06]: And that’s how I suppose I built my database up. If I get you results, all I want you to do is tell other people about my services because I can change lives when you can change a business, you change lives.

Traci Parisi [20:18]: So can I give you a couple little other tips? Thinking about what Lou said.

Jeff Harrison [20:24]: Let’s do it

Traci Parisi [20:25]: So this is something that I used to do in my restaurant. So if anyone came in to celebrate their birthday, we had a wall of birthday fame. SoDealing with "I can't Afford to Advertise" we would hand paint, put paint on their hand, they would do a handprint on the wall and we would write their name and their birthday on this walk where we. It was massive. After about seven years it was started building more walls, but people would be, I want that. So they’d want to come in and celebrate their birthday with us, especially the children so they could have their handprint on our birthday wall of fame.

Jeff Harrison [21:05]: Brilliant. That’s brilliant. A while back and had a conversation, another gentleman, Josh Wheeler, he talked about specifics like saying, well I’ve been in business for seven years. Well that’s something that she could say, well she’s been in business eight years, but that is specific and unique that she couldn’t say because she doesn’t have that handprint on the wall, uniqueness thing, that is fire

Traci Parisi [21:27]: So something else that I used to do for my regular customers, you know because I had a database and I knew how often they’d come in. We would get their own mugs printed with their name on it. So if they came in to have a meal, you know, they’d always ordered their coffee, they got their very own special that no one else got to use with their own name and it hung on a wall. We have hooks and hooks and books with their coffee mug and it will be their mug that they get to use every time they came in and it made me feel very special. Were they going to go to a competitor with our VIPs no?

Jeff Harrison [22:03]: And you know their name. Hey, we want to walk in someplace where it’s like Cheers. They know our name. If you remember that show, but you guys are too young, [Inaudible] everybody knows your name. Like we had people that were friends of ours that had a restaurant in forever. We went to them and when they closed it was like heartbreaking because we’d walk in, they’d know exactly what we want, these specific roles, this kind of wine. And it was like I was being entertained. I was being taken care of. A mug. That’s brilliant.

Traci Parisi [22:32]: It’s the little things that you can do, then adding that VIP experience that comes from having a database that comes from collecting your customer’s details and even if that all feels too hard, even if you do the business card drop for someone and when lunch once a month and you’re collecting a database with the business card, drop this acts that can scan that in and automatically pull the information out. Put it in your database now.

Jeff Harrison [23:00]: That’s great. Any last tips?

Traci Parisi [23:02]: Birthday cards, I always use to send birthday cards to send, I had 16,000 people on my database. And everyone got a birthday card from me, year in, year out. And they loved it. And most of the time, what I’m hearing from people is, it’s the only birthday card I get.

LouAnn Lynch [23:17]: Oh. [Inaudible] text.

Traci Parisi [23:22]: Look, yes, I think it’s better than nothing but. And there are programs out there now that you can do a leave, a voice mail. Hey, it’s Traci from Papa Joe’s pizza. I noticed it was your birthday today. I’d love for you to come in and have birthday lunch on me. And that can be automated. Is Automated. And you don’t have to say hi Joe. It can just be. Hi, it’s Tracy. I noticed it was your birthday today. So yeah, voicemail messages. But I love nothing better than a hungry crowd,

LouAnn Lynch [23:48]: But if someone wants to try a Facebook ad, you can actually target people’s upcoming birthday in the next 30 days and have a Mrs. Specifically, are you celebrating? Because you can’t call them out by their name obviously, but we know through Facebook marketing and you know the

Traci Parisi [24:05]: Targeting.

LouAnn Lynch [24:06]: Thank you, Traci.

Jeff Harrison [24:08]: Well, let’s face it. Facebook knows more about us than our parents do.

LouAnn Lynch [24:12]: They know more than what your mother does anyway.

Jeff Harrison [24:15]: Wow. This has been, I wish I’d have been taking notes. I’m going to go back and watch this episode a few more times because I’m going to start where I go frequently. I’m going to demand. Damn it. They get me a mug with my name on it and then I’m going to the next place. I’m going to carry my own paint and say, It’s my birthday. I want to put my hand on your wall. I’m going to start a trend.

Traci Parisi [24:34]: So I think we have talked a lot about offline stuff? As much as we’re all online marketers and we do create Facebook ads for our customers, there’s still a lot you guys can be doing in your businesses to increase what people are spending and to keep them coming back. I would love to have a restaurant environment back. I’ve never had it, but you know,

LouAnn Lynch [24:55]: Each month we would have a different kind of promotion offline and online. I remember we did a dice and we’d sent a dice out. Is that too much information?

Traci Parisi [25:02]: We’ve got so much more.

Jeff Harrison [25:04]: Okay that’s it, time is up. If you want more information, tell us how they. The people watching get ahold of you for these. I mean, they’re just a wealth of ideas. Now you guys are talking about also starting a podcast.

LouAnn Lynch [25:13]: Yes we are

Jeff Harrison [25:15]: By the time this comes out, they will have already had a podcast. They’re probably going to be many people listening, so make sure you get on their subscriber list but tell us how they can get ahold of you. I think they want more information

Traci Parisi [25:24]: So you can contact me. My facebook page is Social Reality Marketing, so, forward slash Social Reality Marketing and it’s Traci Parisi and then Lou

LouAnn Lynch [25:36]: And I’ve got a website that takes you to my facebook page, which is a private facebook page and you can find it on www. Social Intelligence Dot Biz.

Jeff Harrison [25:45]: Wow. Hey, when we started, I promised you something. I’m sorry. I failed. It was a thousand percent better than that. That’s so cool. You know, I wish they were closer because they would just kind of be regulars on here

Traci Parisi [25:57]: We could do a [Inaudible] because there are so many other little restaurant tips and tricks. I can definitely give you some really fun. Remember the ground below

LouAnn Lynch [26:10]: No peaking. And this is how we manage through mapping. You paid it off like that and now pieces have boomed back

Traci Parisi [26:15]: So give you like a tip a week.

Jeff Harrison [26:17]: I love that. Yeah. We might have you do me a favor if you liked this show as much as I love being here. Put it in the comments below. Say yes, we want them back and give us an idea of one, two, whatever, and we just made. Let me just have this be one of those things where they come back on a frequent basis now you guys, but you guys live in different parts of the country, right? Well, the cool thing about it is I’ve just upgraded my software so now I can have you on my program and I can have up to eight people on there at any one time. You have your own little box and whatnot. So yeah, we may start doing that, but only if you comment below and say I would watch it. I would watch it 10 times more if these,

LouAnn Lynch [26:52]: Can I actually give you a give away as well.

Jeff Harrison [26:54]: Oh gosh here you go. Yep, Yep. Yep.

LouAnn Lynch [26:55]: So I’ve just written a book called Rank it, Crank it and Crush it. So if anyone wants a free copy of the digital copy, we’ll put a link below

Traci Parisi [27:05]: And it’s a great book because I’m in it.

Jeff Harrison [27:09]: These guys are like salt and pepper, man. They just make everything taste better. Hey, you know what? We could do this all day but we’re not going to because there’s a pool party right now. I’m Jeff Harrison and along with Traci Parisi.

Traci Parisi [27:26]: That’s right.

LouAnn Lynch [27:27]: And Lou-Ann Lynch

Jeff Harrison [27:28]: Lou-Ann Lynch and we’ll see you again next time on Reservations.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, video and podcasts, to attract their customers ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%.
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