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Marketing for Your Plumbing Business

Marketing for Your Plumbing Business

Plumbing is one of the most in-demand services today. This explains the influx of plumbing businesses, particularly in the United States. CareerExplorer revealed that there are over 480,600 plumbers in the U.S. alone. This number is expected to rise.

With so much competition, you need a solid marketing plan to keep getting customers for your plumbing business. Most businesses are doubling down on digital marketing; you don’t want to be left behind.

Why Digital Marketing?

After consumers recognize a plumbing problem, they usually look for relevant information to help solve the problem. This step is critical for many reasons. First, the internet has simplified information search, making it the first place they look.

Second, the information gathered has the most influence on the final decision the consumer makes. Providing this information compellingly increases your chances of converting them to customers.

The truth is, your potential customers are spending time online looking for your services. They are consuming social media content, blogs, and other marketing materials, looking for helpful resources. That’s where you come in. This article teaches you some of the best digital marketing ideas for your plumbing business and how to apply them.

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Your Plumbing Business

5 Digital Marketing Tips for Your Plumbing Business

General digital marketing practices will not work for your plumbing business. You must tailor your marketing strategy to appeal to people needing plumbing services. This is achieved by ad targeting, sharing informational content, tips, and so on. Let’s see what this looks like in detail.

1. Create a Google Business Profile listing (GBP)

Google provides some of the best tools for local businesses. GBP is a service that lets you list your business location, services, open hours, and more. This free service is immensely significant if you want to rank in local search results.

Listing your business on Google improves your local SEO since your online content will rank in specific areas based on search intent.

Homeowners looking for a plumber in your city typically search for contact information using phrases like; “plumbers near me,” “plumbers in city X,” and so on. Luckily, creating a GBP listing is one of the easiest ways to rank for these searches.

2. Advertise your plumbing services on Google

Search ads display relevant information when a web user searches for something using specific keywords. As long as the displayed ad content answers the searcher’s query, there is a high probability that they will click on it.

Google Ads services provide an affordable marketing plan for your plumbing business.

On top of display ads, you can try Local Service Ads to target customers within a specific location. The best part is that you are only charged when a customer contacts you through the ad.

3. Market your plumbing business on Facebook 

Facebook still remains the most common platform for social media marketing. Social media marketing leverages mainly on networking, which can eventually lead to sales. Being active on social media is also a great way to build trust with your customers.

There are many types of content ideas you can share on Facebook. You can quiz your audience, share business stories, create how-to videos, and so on. Such content will most likely establish your business as professional, trustworthy, and reliable.

Here are more tips for promoting your business on Facebook.

4. Establish positive online advocacy

In most cases, good customer service equals free brand advocacy. In other words, when you treat your customers right, they will most likely spread positive comments about your plumbing business. Most customers do this with online reviews.

You can create advocacy by offering your loyal customers deals, priority service, incentives, and other benefits. If possible, ask your customers for reviews after the service.

A majority of customers use reviews to evaluate your business. From the reviews, they gather details about your professionalism, competence, and other critical information that helps them choose a plumber.

Build repeat customers for your plumbing business with email marketing

5. Build repeat business with email marketing 

If you have been struggling to retain customers as regular clients, you need to try email marketing. You can notify your past customers of deals, offers, and other incentives to keep them around through email.

If done right, email marketing can be an effective digital marketing strategy for your plumbing business. You can learn how to market through email or hire a professional email marketer.

The best part is that you don’t need to focus on marketing entirely. Email content can be treated similarly to social media content. The only thing you need to ensure is to have a clear Call-To-Action in the email.


Digital marketing is the best way to market your plumbing business. It’s effective, inexpensive, and sustainable. The internet has the tools you need to market your plumbing services. You will be a step ahead of the competition by utilizing the five tips we have discussed.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, videos, and podcasts, to attract their customers’ ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher-quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%. 

SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California and can be reached by calling 760-422-5176.