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How to Use LinkedIn to Target Your Ideal Customers

How to Use LinkedIn to Target Your Ideal Customers


You are losing money if you are not using LinkedIn to target your ideal customers! Recent stats show that over 93% of B2B marketers, including your competitors, generate tons of leads on LinkedIn. From driving quality prospects to establishing and boosting brand authority organically and ad accuracy, the platform is helping businesses meet their marketing goals with increased ROI. This post shows you how to target your audience on LinkedIn to meet your goals.

Why LinkedIn?

As of August 2022, LinkedIn has over 830 million members! LinkedIn audience demographics is spread across 200 countries and territories globally. The platform is a beehive of top business executives, decision-makers, and people with open minds.

It’s a valuable resource for job seekers and businesses interested in connecting with quality prospects and connects.

LinkedIn accounts for 50% of inbound traffic from social media to B2B sites. Therefore, you are leaving money on the table if you are not leveraging the LinkedIn targeting options list.

How Do I Connect With Customers on LinkedIn?

How Do I Connect With Customers on LinkedIn?

You can build an engaged audience, increase your reach, and generate tons of new business on LinkedIn. There are different ways to connect with your prospective audience, such as organic and paid ads.

Here are seven tips for incorporating LinkedIn into your business promotion mix:

  1. Set up a professional LinkedIn account that adequately represents your brand.
  2. You need a dedicated LinkedIn manager to take responsibility for your account.
  3. Create valuable SEO content for organic traffic and paid ad copy to deliver value and solutions.
  4. Join relevant groups where your ideal target customers converge.
  5. Take the time to connect with relevant members of the group.
  6. Engage with members who like or comment on your content and answer their questions.
  7. Keep your account active and grow your connects gradually.

How do you target your best customers?

Finding your target customer is the key to success on LinkedIn. While it’s not easy getting exposure on a company page without an advertising budget, creating valuable SEO-rich content helps drive organic traffic to your site.

However, before looking for your best customers, you should have their buyer persona well thought-out. Clarifying your buyer persona gives you the insight to engage with them.

Here’s how to target your best customers on LinkedIn:

  • Create a content marketing plan

In today’s marketing, prospective customers first search for relevant information about the product they want before meeting the seller. Thus, leverage the market behavior by creating helpful content to attract your prospects.

  • Engage your audience

Don’t just post content without a follow-up. As your audience comments and raises a new topic, engage with them to learn how best you can help.

  • Qualify your audience

Since every marketing campaign has objectives and goals, try to filter your audience to know who is ready to move to the next stage of your marketing funnel.

  • Don’t sell – offer a solution instead

Identify your target audience’s buyer journey to feed them relevant information for conversion. People don’t like to be sold; they want a solution. Therefore, be clear with your answers to their problems.

What is the ideal audience size for LinkedIn?

The success of your LinkedIn ad largely depends on your audience size. Too broad or too small an audience size may ruin your ad chances. LinkedIn suggests a minimum of 300 members and at least 50,000 target coverage members to run a successful ad for a good result.

How to build the ideal target audience on LinkedIn

Having the ideal audience on LinkedIn positively impacts your CTR. Ideally, a good audience size helps you meet a reasonable engagement rate, which is recommended to be around 2%. With a good CTR, your marketing investment will have a positive return.

Here’s how to build a quality target audience.

  1. Location, location, location. The specified target audience location for your ad determines who sees your ad. With good research and planning, you should know what location to target.
  2. Build your audience persona. Clearly define your audience criteria: company, demographics, age, education, interest, job experience, etc.
  3. Use an audience template. Templates help new advertisers on LinkedIn advertising cut to the chase and achieve goals like a pro. A template saves you time and reduces mistakes.
  4. Don’t hyper-target. When defining your ad target, it’s best to follow the recommended target – two or three produce the best results. Following this rule helps cast a wider net within reasonable ad costs to achieve your campaign goal.
  5. A/B test. Before going full blast with your ad, try to test to determine the best performing ads. Test, refine, and retest until you find what works best.
  6. Increase your reach with custom targeting options. LinkedIn targeting options list allows you to customize LinkedIn targeting using matched audiences. It helps re-engage and nurture your audience for the success of your campaign.
  7. Create content that resonates with your audience. Knowing more about your audience allows you to start creating more appropriate content for each segment and running tests to see what works best.

Optimizing your targeting strategy on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn to target your ideal customers is not a magic wand. Optimize continuously to improve your ad and know what works and what doesn’t.

Optimizing your targeting strategy on LinkedIn requires you to have the expertise to troubleshoot, identify and fix any issues found. However, it is with optimizing that most new advertisers get stuck! But that shouldn’t be a problem; hire an expert digital marketer to help.

Do you need help using LinkedIn to target your ideal customer?

Do you need help using LinkedIn to target your ideal customer?

If you want to add LinkedIn to your marketing mix and need a reliable digital marketing company to help with your LinkedIn marketing, SwingPointMedia can help.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on using content marketing, such as written articles, videos and podcasts, to attract their customers’ ideal audiences. This approach has proven to attract higher-quality customers while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by as much as 70%.

SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California and can be reached by calling 760-422-5176.

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