Coachella Valley’s Digital Marketing Leader

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The Power of Video Marketing for Local Businesses

The availability of mobile gadgets and internet connections has made it easier for consumers to view videos on the go. And as a business owner, you should join in and use video and visual content marketing to market your business. How can you make the most out of video marketing to make your local business more visible? Let’s dive in and explore the power of video marketing for local businesses.

How Local Businesses Can Make the Most of Video Marketing

Video marketing has become a great way for small businesses to market their products and services. You don’t need a video director, a film producer, or an excellent script to elevate your local business using video marketing.

According to Statista, U.S. adults spend approximately 149 minutes daily watching digital videos. This shows that video content piques their interest, and as a savvy business person, you should jump on the bandwagon and create content for your customers.

While written content can be engaging, it still doesn’t have the same impact as when your customers hear the voice behind the product or service. You can use videos to:

  • Tell your brand’s story.
  • Educate about your products or services.
  • Provide helpful advice that people will appreciate.
  • Create a strong emotional connection with your audience, which can be key when trying to establish loyalty from customers.
  • Expand the scope of who you can connect to with modern forms of advertising.

Video Marketing Will Enable You to Tell Your Brand's Story

Video Marketing Will Enable You to Tell Your Brand’s Story

You should leverage videos to introduce your brand, its values, and its mission. You can use video to explain what your business does, how it began, who is behind it, and why you chose to start the business. Several ways to achieve this is by use of:

  • Live Q&A on your business page and social media platform
  • A behind-the-scenes (BTS) look at your business operations
  • Business profile video on your social media platforms or website

This type of content engages your viewers on a deeper level than traditional written content because they are more personal.

Use Video Marketing to Explain the Value of Your Products or Services.

Video content is an effective way to explain how your products or services work. Use video to demonstrate the features and benefits of a product so that potential customers understand how it works and its value.

Consumer-generated video ads are also a great way to build customer loyalty while bringing in new customers. When consumers create videos about your product, they help new consumers vet your products and services. That is why new customers look for reviews online when they want to purchase a product.

To use videos to persuade new customers, ask your existing loyal customers to share testimonials and videos of their purchases in portrait mode and convert these videos to ads. These will also show your business as reliable and trustworthy.

Also, share behind-the-scenes videos that give a glimpse into your company’s culture and daily operations. These videos can be informal and showcase your team’s personalities and what goes into creating your products or services. Video content humanizes your business, helps build trust and connection with your customers, as well as makes you an expert in the field.

Use Video Marketing to Create a Strong Emotional Connection with Your Audience

Videos can also help create an emotional connection with your audience, which can be key in terms of customer loyalty and developing long-term relationships. With video content, you have the opportunity to be creative and tell a story or make a point that resonates emotionally with your viewers which will help them remember your brand and message.

Videos are a great way to show empathy toward your audience. By addressing their pain points, concerns, and challenges in a relatable way, you can build a sense of understanding and connection with your audience.

Video Marketing Reaches Wider Audiences than Traditional Forms of Advertising

Video Marketing Reaches Wider Audiences than Traditional Forms of Advertising

Use high-quality videos to create an emotional connection with your target audience. And, as you use this form of marketing, ensure your videos are professional, creative, and engaging, so viewers feel connected to you and your brand.

When your video marketing content is of high quality, your audience will share it, enabling you to reach a wider audience at no extra cost. Since you don’t have to limit your video to one channel, use the same video content you have created on other marketing platforms, such as email newsletters and websites. Influencers also help market small businesses on social media platforms, as they usually have a lot of followers and reach a wider audience.

Another advantage of creating video content is that it has SEO benefits, as the videos are indexed by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! This means that people searching for topics related to your business may stumble across the videos you create if they contain relevant keywords.

This way, the videos will play a great part in increasing your business’s online visibility while also providing valuable information that potential customers may find useful in making their purchasing decision.

How Digital Content Agencies Can help you with Video Content Marketing

You should have relevant marketing skills for effective video marketing that will create leads and converts. Since the driving point of any marketing is making a profit, you should ensure you create relevant videos that will relate to your audience.

Given your busy schedule, you may be unable to post relevant content that will engage your customers regularly. Videos should be carefully thought out and be of good quality. If you compromise on quality, you may lose customers, something no business wants.

At SwingPointMedia, we help you with written, visual, and video content creation that will attract your ideal audiences.


In conclusion, video marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for local businesses looking to reach more potential customers, build lasting relationships with them, and create brand awareness among their existing customers. With its ability to create emotional connections between brands and viewers while helping businesses stand out from the competition, video content is certainly worth exploring as part of any digital marketing strategy. So give your business the boost it needs by investing in quality video content today!


Local businesses, especially the ones that are maybe too small to be managed by a marketing company, often struggle to be found by new customers on the internet. SwingPointMedia recognizes this and has created a podcast for local businesses, sharing strategies and tactics that can be applied to help you grow.  In addition, SwingPointMedia offers affordable guidance and coaching to local business owners who want or need to “do it themselves” with a goal to reduce and eliminate wasted time and money chasing the wrong “best strategy” for your business.

Want to learn more?  Contact us today –